With summer vacations affecting volunteer support everywhere, agencies like Caring for Friends and Feast of Justice depend on -- and very much appreciate -- our efforts to provide home-cooked meals, canned goods, and personal hygiene products for our neighbors in need. This May and June, we provided 319 meals and two carloads of food items and other products.
Next Dates for our Food Ministry: THURSDAY, JULY 15, AND THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, FROM 11 AM TO 1 PM.
Please bring your meal donations – a protein, starch, and vegetable—to the Fillmore Street entrance. Volunteers will package your contributions into the special tins Caring for Friends provides.
You can also bring your donations of canned goods, diapers, and hygiene products for Feast of Justice on those Thursdays.
Another option is to bring your Feast of Justice donations on Sundays or when the church office is ordinarily open-- Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8 am to 12 noon. Please call first to let our church secretary, Katie McAlorum, know you are coming.
The Prayer Team is ready to lift you or your concern in prayer. No concern is too small or insignificant. If you need prayer, talk with one of our team members: Barbara Huber, Tina Snyder, Isabel Hyczko, Carolyn Denzel, Rich Soltan, Vanessa Fineberg, Verna Clohecy, and Pastor Deborah Wolfe.
Email Pastor Wolfe at pastorwolfe@comcast.net, or Verna Clohecy at vclohecy1@aol.co.
Please help us to provide good pastoral care. Call Pastor Deborah Wolfe (at 610-506-6097) if:
You are in need of prayer
You are ill or hospitalized
A baby is born into your family
You are planning to marry
You want to receive the sacraments of Baptism or Holy Communion
You are moving
Your phone number or email address has changed
Please be sure your next of kin has the pastor’s phone number in case of emergency. Business cards are available with phone numbers listed that you can put with your insurance cards so you and your family have easy access to them. Ask Pastor Wolfe if you would like one.

July 4
July 11
July 18
July 25
August 1
August 8
Psalm 34:1-8
August 15
August 22
August 29