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Liz Soltan

March and April Issue of Tidings!



Our neighbors are still in need, so we continue to support Caring for Friends and Feast of Justice.

Next Dates for our Food Ministry: THURSDAY, MARCH 18, AND THURSDAY, APRIL 15, FROM 11 AM TO 1 PM. Please bring your meal donations – a protein, starch, and vegetable—to the Fillmore Street entrance. Volunteers will package your contributions into the special tins Caring for Friends provides.

You can also bring your donations of canned goods, diapers, and hygiene products for Feast of Justice on those Thursdays.

Another option is to bring your Feast of Justice donations when the church office is ordinarily open-- Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8 am to 12 noon. Please call first to let our church secretary, Katie McAlorum, know you are coming.

To date in 2021, the generous people of St. Tim’s have donated 123 meals and 5 soups to Caring for Friends, and an SUV-full of items for Feast of Justice.


-Boscov’s Fundraiser: Our pre-holiday shopping efforts netted St. Tim’s a check for $76+ from Boscov’s. Thanks to Kathy Swift for running the fundraiser—and to all who participated.

-Congregational Report for 2020: Council is completing the report on 2020’s activities and ministries—truly, a year and report unlike any other. Council is voting via e-mail this week on the proposed budget for 2021.

-Building Maintenance: This year’s heavy snowfall has brought to light problems with our gutters and roof. A few days after Property chair Tom Lyden replaced a faulty downspout near the Preschool classrooms, a leak appeared in the church business office. A roofer will be assessing our roof (the snow needs to melt first to allow him safe access) within the next few weeks.


Linda Yesenosky, director of St. Timothy Christian Preschool, reports that both the “threes” and “fours” classes are fully enrolled for the upcoming ’21-’22 school year. Registration went very quickly—a testament to both our teachers’ instructional skills and to their hard work in providing a safe environment for the students and staff.

In March, our little scholars will “look, look over the rainbow” for gold coins on St. Patrick’s Day and celebrate Easter with a traditional egg hunt. Both events will be held outdoors, weather permitting. In April, if all goes well, the children and their parents will meet their teachers at Briar Bush Nature Center in Abington for an educational and fun day.


Despite the welcome advent of effective vaccines, Covid-19 remains unpredictable. Our Task Force members must continually re-evaluate information and guidance from the Southeastern Pennsylvania Lutheran Synod as well as the national Lutheran Synod office in trying to determine when we can safely resume Sunday worship. They also recognize the need to follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the Philadelphia Health Department.

Currently, all signs point to the need for continued caution. Be assured that when we can return to worship, you will be informed via an e-mail or phone call. In the meantime, your prayers to ensure wise decisions are much appreciated.


Though apart, we can still be together in spirit. Below are a few suggestions:

- Call, send a card, or write a note to encourage a fellow church member.

- Include your fellow members and Pastor Wolfe in your daily prayers.

- Try an online Sunday or weeknight Lenten service. (Check out YouTube for Redemption Lutheran’s service, or Facebook for St. David’s.)

- Read the scripture readings for Sunday services (see “Lectionary Readings”).

- Join the St. Timothy Prayer Team (see “Prayer Ministry” below).

- Knit or crochet a prayer shawl. Call Anna Molnar at 215-782-8562, or Barbara Huber at 215-379-3648, for advice on getting started.

- Craft an item for our (tentatively-planned) Spring Fling, or set aside some gently-used treasures.

- Make meals or soups for Caring for Friends. Call Liz Soltan—215-828-1619--for more info.


The Prayer Team is ready to lift you or your concern in prayer. No concern is too small or insignificant. If you need prayer, talk with one of our team members: Barbara Huber, Tina Snyder, Marcia Richter, Isabel Hyczko, Carolyn Denzel, Rich Soltan, Vanessa Fineberg, Verna Clohecy, and Pastor Deborah Wolfe.

Email Pastor Wolfe at, or Verna Clohecy at


Please help us to provide good pastoral care. Call Pastor Deborah Wolfe (at 610-506-6097) if:

- You are in need of prayer

- You are ill or hospitalized

- A baby is born into your family

- You are planning to marry

- You want to receive the sacraments of Baptism or Holy Communion

- You are moving

- Your phone number or email address has changed

Please be sure your next of kin has the pastor’s phone number in case of emergency. Business cards are available with phone numbers listed that you can put with your insurance cards so you and your family have easy access to them. Ask Pastor Wolfe if you would like one.


March 7

March 14

March 21

Psalm 119:9-16 (alternate)

March 28 (Palm Sunday)

Procession with Palms

John 12:12-16 (alternate)

Readings and Psalm

April 1 (Maundy Thursday)

April 2 (Good Friday)

April 4 (Easter Sunday)

Isaiah 25:6-9 (alternate)

Acts 10:34-43 (alternate)

John 20:1-18 (alternate)

April 11

April 18

April 25

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