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St Timothy Lutheran Church
The Friendly Church on the Edge of Town
In the gospel of John Jesus says to his new followers “Come and see.” He doesn’t give them 10 reasons why they should follow him. No pressure sales pitch to get these newcomers to join the company. He simply invited them to come and see.
Like Jesus we simply invite you to come and see St Timothy’s.
It’s a warm and welcoming church filled with people who do their best as followers of Jesus. We are not a perfect place filled with perfect people but we love Jesus and we strive to follow his lead to love our neighbors.
Come and see us on Sunday at 9:15 am when we celebrate worship with Holy Communion.
Come and see where Christ’s love is center in everything we do.
Come and see because we would love to meet you.
Come and see because we welcome you wherever you are in your journey of faith! Simply an invitation!
Come and see!
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We strive to provide opportunities for everyone who comes through
our doors to see the love of
Christ in action.
We provide faithful and honest worship services where the Word
is preached and God’s love is experienced.
Learning Christ is about experiencing Christ through the word, prayer, praise, the sacraments, and study of scripture.
We love Christ when we experience his love for us.
God so loved the world that he sent his only son so that all who believe will not perish but live eternally.
When we learn about God’s love in Christ Jesus and how we are loved first we are able to love back and share this amazing love we experience.
We learn about Jesus and the gifts he gives each of us as we are baptized into his family. We love Jesus because he first loved us.
Once we experience God’s love in Christ we can’t help but want to share it with others. Living in Christ we put God and neighbor first in all we do and say.

Worship with Holy Communion is every Sunday at 9:15 am